Dienstag, 12. April 2016

Hello Bloggingworld!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to my blog. I have been absent for quite a while now and frankly I have no good excuse but I still want to give it a shot. Well, I had to stopp for a moment to rethink and rethink and rethink again what I want to aspire in life (which sounds way more dramatic than it probably is!) I have found myself in one of those "turning" points in life, which are always made into movies and where people have to make decisions that will eventually chance their hole life upside down. And first let me assure you, thats not happening to me (and honestly im not sure to be happy or sad about it). Frankly I have not been very pleased with my blog and I have to admit I could have been more persistent (hands up; yes I am a lazy pig a little to often for my liking). This is just a little announcement, for I am planning to stick to blogging more frequently! I figured since I am not even close to knowing what I want to be and where I want to stand in life, I could at least write my thoughts away (Is this even grammatically correct?!) Long story short, I will be blogging again!! (yay to me) and I hope some of you out there, who maybe have reached the same point as I, will trot along with me on this journey and will give me a chance. 

Before I go and at least there is a little bit of fashion going on here in this post, I want to present you the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. And no its not just a dress its THE dress!  Ladies and gentlemen (probably more ladies)you may meet the Dress: 

(Source: Lovelypepa)

I know some of you might not like it but honestly how can one not like it?! And yes I did kind of did threw a hole searching party in order to find that dress, and yes I did find it and to my dismay it has been custom made for a blogger (which has a great blog by the way). So with my dreams gone and buried, I at least enjoy imagining how it would look like (which I am sure I would not be able to pull of as well as she does). Since stumbling across THE dress, I seem to have grown quite an obsession with yellow clothing and accessories, but to my defense this florescent color is an eye catcher and you can pair a simple outfit with a bright colored bag (yellow of course) and you are good for the runway of New York(maybe not that but for the streets of London it would suffice.) 
Okey so in honor of THE dress, we shall look at it once more, then burn it and move on! 

There you go, I hope you will have a lovely week and I will (hopefully!) speak to you very soon!

xx Rebecca  

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