Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

My dressing table (nosy alarm)

Hello everyone!

I personally, as I am quite a nosy person (super nosy) I LOVE to see how others style/design their interior (and cloths, and fashion, and and and haha). So I thought maybe it would be fun to show you how I try to make my little space a bit cosy and comfier. So today I will show you my dressing table (which is from Ikea, love Ikea to bits!) 

My dressing table (with me in the mirror)-Ikea

My jewellery storage (mainly rings)
Candle- Yankee Candle in clean cotton

Watch- Michael Kors

My jewellery storage for chains  

My makeup brushes- mainly from real Rechniques

This is my attempt styling my dressing table. I hope I could give you some inspirations if you are currently redoing your room or if you are just a nosy person like me :) 

As I'm always looking for some new bits comment down below if you have some ideas!

Rebecca xxx

2 Kommentare:

  1. Such a lovely room! I love how you organize all your stuff. Pretty well! And envy to have a room like that.
    nice post!

    1. Thank you! It did take me a while though.. I bet yours is lovely too! :)
